瑞萊夢臻工作室 | RealizedStudio
瑞萊夢臻工作室 | RealizedStudio
關於瑞萊夢臻 | About
關於瑞萊夢臻 | About
關於瑞萊夢臻 | About
獲獎作品 | Award-Winning Designs
設計圖稿插畫 | Design Illustration
購物說明 | Shop Guides
購物說明 | Shop Guides
購物說明 | Shop Guides
寄件配送 | Shipping
尺寸指引 | Size Guides
客製訂做 | Custom-Order
退換政策 | Refund Policy
材質與保養建議 | Materials & Care Guide
材質與保養建議 | Materials & Care Guide
材質與保養建議 | Materials & Care Guide
鉑金 & K金 | Pt, 18K, 14K
925 純銀 | Sterling Silver
天然寶石 | Natural Gems
珍珠 | Pearls
聯絡諮詢 | Contact
聯絡諮詢 | Contact
快速結帳 | Express Checkout
創物作品 | Creations
創物作品 | Creations
現存作品 | In Stock
珠寶首飾 | Jewelry
珠寶首飾 | Jewelry
繩結領帶 | Bolo Tie
手飾 | Bracelets
別針 | Brooches
袖扣 | Cufflinks
耳飾 | Earrings
項鍊 | Necklaces
墜飾 | Pendants
戒指 | Rings
配件 | Accessories
鍊款 | Chain Necklaces
品味生活 | Lifestyle
品味生活 | Lifestyle
卡片&明信片 | Card & Postcard
桌布 | Wallpaper
系列櫥窗 | Collection Gallery
系列櫥窗 | Collection Gallery
奧櫟薇雅 | Oaklivia
磐礫坤靈 | Petragharti
花楸百華 | RowanRosa
緹坦妮雅 | Titania
藤花蔓果 | Verduxo
弗羅格狂熱 | Voronista
誕生石/生辰石/守護石分類 | by Birthstone
誕生石/生辰石/守護石分類 | by Birthstone
一月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | January Birthstones
二月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | February Birthstones
三月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | March Birthstones
四月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | April Birthstones
五月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | May Birthstones
六月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | June Birthstones
七月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | July Birthstones
八月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | August Birthstones
九月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | September Birthstones
十月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | October Birthstones
十一月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | November Birthstones
十二月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | December Birthstones
作品色系 | by Color
作品色系 | by Color
紅 | Red
橙 | Orange
黃 | Yellow
綠 | Green
藍 | Blue
紫 | Purple
粉 | Pastel
棕 | Brown
灰 | Grey
白 | Blank
黑 | Noir
寶石分類 | by Gems
寶石分類 | by Gems
無鑲寶石 | Metal Only
燒琺瑯 | Enamel
鑽石 | Diamond
藍寶石 | Sapphire
紅寶石 | Ruby
彩色剛玉 | Color Sapphire
金綠寶石 | Chrysoberyl
尖晶石 | Spinel
托帕石 | Topaz
綠柱石 | Beryl
祖母綠 | Emerald
海藍寶 | Aquamarine
摩根石 | Morganite
碧璽 | Tourmaline
紅寶碧璽 | Rubellite
綠碧璽 | Verdelite
天然水晶 | Quartz Crystal
紫水晶 | Amethyst
粉水晶 | Rose Quartz
黃水晶 | Citrine
煙水晶/茶晶 | Smoky Quartz
鈦晶/髮晶 | Rutilated Quartz
矽線石 | Sillimanite
石榴石 | Garnet
沙弗萊 | Tsavorite
錳鋁榴石/芬達石 | Spessartite
翡翠 | Jadeite
橄欖石 | Peridot
堇青石 | Iolite
丹泉石/坦桑石 | Tanzanite
玉髓 | Chalcedony
瑪瑙 | Agate
黑瑪瑙 | Onyx
葡萄石 | Prehnite
拉長石 | Labradorite
風信子/天然鋯石 | Zircon
鋰輝石 | Spodumene
孔塞石/紫鋰輝石 | Kunzite
月光石/月長石 | Moonstone
日光石/太陽石 | Sunstone
天河石/亞馬遜石 | Amazonite
蛋白石/歐珀 | Opal
青金石 | Lapis Lazuli
土耳其石/綠松石 | Turquoise
透輝石 | Diopside
榍石 | Sphene
磷灰石 | Apatite
拉利瑪/海紋石 | Larimar
藍晶石 | Kyanite
螢石 | Fluorite
孔雀石 | Malachite
舒俱徠石 | Sugilite
珊瑚 | Coral
珍珠 & 母貝 | Pearl & Nacre
琥珀 | Amber
貴金屬分類 | by Noble Metal
貴金屬分類 | by Noble Metal
純銀 | Sterling Silver (S925)
24K金箔 | 24K Gold Foil
14K金 | 14K (Au585)
18K金 | 18K (Au750)
鉑金/白金 | Platinum (Pt)
探索更多 | Discover
探索更多 | Discover
設計圖稿插畫 | Design Illustration IG⋙
最新消息 | News FB⋙
登入 | Log In
註冊 | Register
瑞萊夢臻工作室 | RealizedStudio
關於瑞萊夢臻 | About
關於瑞萊夢臻 | About
獲獎作品 | Award-Winning Designs
設計圖稿插畫 | Design Illustration
購物說明 | Shop Guides
購物說明 | Shop Guides
寄件配送 | Shipping
尺寸指引 | Size Guides
客製訂做 | Custom-Order
退換政策 | Refund Policy
材質與保養建議 | Materials & Care Guide
材質與保養建議 | Materials & Care Guide
鉑金 & K金 | Pt, 18K, 14K
925 純銀 | Sterling Silver
天然寶石 | Natural Gems
珍珠 | Pearls
聯絡諮詢 | Contact
快速結帳 | Express Checkout
創物作品 | Creations
現存作品 | In Stock
珠寶首飾 | Jewelry
繩結領帶 | Bolo Tie
手飾 | Bracelets
別針 | Brooches
袖扣 | Cufflinks
耳飾 | Earrings
項鍊 | Necklaces
墜飾 | Pendants
戒指 | Rings
配件 | Accessories
鍊款 | Chain Necklaces
品味生活 | Lifestyle
卡片&明信片 | Card & Postcard
桌布 | Wallpaper
系列櫥窗 | Collection Gallery
奧櫟薇雅 | Oaklivia
磐礫坤靈 | Petragharti
花楸百華 | RowanRosa
緹坦妮雅 | Titania
藤花蔓果 | Verduxo
弗羅格狂熱 | Voronista
誕生石/生辰石/守護石分類 | by Birthstone
一月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | January Birthstones
二月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | February Birthstones
三月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | March Birthstones
四月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | April Birthstones
五月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | May Birthstones
六月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | June Birthstones
七月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | July Birthstones
八月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | August Birthstones
九月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | September Birthstones
十月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | October Birthstones
十一月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | November Birthstones
十二月誕生石/生辰石/守護石 | December Birthstones
作品色系 | by Color
紅 | Red
橙 | Orange
黃 | Yellow
綠 | Green
藍 | Blue
紫 | Purple
粉 | Pastel
棕 | Brown
灰 | Grey
白 | Blank
黑 | Noir
寶石分類 | by Gems
無鑲寶石 | Metal Only
燒琺瑯 | Enamel
鑽石 | Diamond
藍寶石 | Sapphire
紅寶石 | Ruby
彩色剛玉 | Color Sapphire
金綠寶石 | Chrysoberyl
尖晶石 | Spinel
托帕石 | Topaz
綠柱石 | Beryl
祖母綠 | Emerald
海藍寶 | Aquamarine
摩根石 | Morganite
碧璽 | Tourmaline
紅寶碧璽 | Rubellite
綠碧璽 | Verdelite
天然水晶 | Quartz Crystal
紫水晶 | Amethyst
粉水晶 | Rose Quartz
黃水晶 | Citrine
煙水晶/茶晶 | Smoky Quartz
鈦晶/髮晶 | Rutilated Quartz
矽線石 | Sillimanite
石榴石 | Garnet
沙弗萊 | Tsavorite
錳鋁榴石/芬達石 | Spessartite
翡翠 | Jadeite
橄欖石 | Peridot
堇青石 | Iolite
丹泉石/坦桑石 | Tanzanite
玉髓 | Chalcedony
瑪瑙 | Agate
黑瑪瑙 | Onyx
葡萄石 | Prehnite
拉長石 | Labradorite
風信子/天然鋯石 | Zircon
鋰輝石 | Spodumene
孔塞石/紫鋰輝石 | Kunzite
月光石/月長石 | Moonstone
日光石/太陽石 | Sunstone
天河石/亞馬遜石 | Amazonite
蛋白石/歐珀 | Opal
青金石 | Lapis Lazuli
土耳其石/綠松石 | Turquoise
透輝石 | Diopside
榍石 | Sphene
磷灰石 | Apatite
拉利瑪/海紋石 | Larimar
藍晶石 | Kyanite
螢石 | Fluorite
孔雀石 | Malachite
舒俱徠石 | Sugilite
珊瑚 | Coral
珍珠 & 母貝 | Pearl & Nacre
琥珀 | Amber
貴金屬分類 | by Noble Metal
純銀 | Sterling Silver (S925)
24K金箔 | 24K Gold Foil
14K金 | 14K (Au585)
18K金 | 18K (Au750)
鉑金/白金 | Platinum (Pt)
探索更多 | Discover
設計圖稿插畫 | Design Illustration IG⋙
最新消息 | News FB⋙
登入 | Log In
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獲獎作品 | Award-Winning Designs
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關於 | About E.YJ Chen
參賽記事 | Awards
其他繪稿 | More Designs
《Whispers of the Horizon》《地平線上的呢喃》2022/23 Dubai AUE, The World Jewellery Design Competition, WADA Awards 1st Edition - Wedding Ring - Second Award
《Tree of Life》《生命之樹》2022 Korea KJDA The 22th International Jewelry Design Contest - International Design Category - Designer's Excellence Award.
《The Spring Blessing》《春之祝福》2020 HRD Antwerp Design Awards - International Diamond & Gemstone Jewellery Competition - Diamond Necklace & Pendant - Finalist.
《Wonder Night at Circus》《夢幻馬戲夜》2019 Korea KJDA The 19th International Jewelry Design Contest - International Design Category - Special Selected Work.
《Aggregation》《世界集成》2019 Korea KJDA The 19th International Jewelry Design Contest - International Design Category - Honorable Mention.
《Margaret's Garden》《瑪格麗特花園》2019 Taiwan TJDMA World’s Jewelry & Metal Design Awards - Public Group - Award for Excellence.
《Black Swan》《黑天鵝》2018/19 UBM Asia HK, First JNA Jewellery Design Competition - Tahitian Pearls - "Asymmetric Perfection" - Merit / TPAHK Best Market Value Award.
《The Flourishing Bauhinia》《舞讚紫荊》2018 HKJMA International Jewelry Design Competition - Computer Aided Design Group - Champion.
《Echo of the World》《世界的迴響》2018 HK Chuk Kam Jewellery Design Competition - Fashionable 18K Group - "Individuality in the Mainstream" - Winner.
《Inherited》《傳承》2018 China Putian 2nd Shangtang Silverware Township Gold and Silver Jewelry Creative Design Competition - Bronze Award.
《Auspicious Peace》《吉祥平安》2018 Shandong China - The 2nd China Gold Tech Cup Gold Jewelry Design Contest - Award for Excellence.
《Lunar Waltz》《月舞蒼穹》2018 The 9th China Jewelry Design and Craftsmanship Contest - Professional Design - Best Style Award.
《Secret Trail of the Stars》《繁星軌跡》2018 Shenzhen China - The 1st Zhong-He-Sheng-Shi Cup, International Jewelry Design Contest - Third Award.
《Messenger of Hope》《 捎來的希望》2017 Taiwan International Creative Jewelry Design Competition - 3D CAD - Gold Award.
《Wings of Prosperity》《吉翔》2017 International Design Competition on Trendy Fei Cui Jewellery - Open Group Drawing - Taiwan Region Nominee - 2nd Runner-Up on Final
《Ariel's Dream Chamber》《人魚的夢想閣》2017 HKJMA International Jewelry Design Competition - Computer Aided Design Group - Merit.
《Blessings from the Island of Immortality》《來自仙島的祝福》2017 Taiwan Culture and Creative Jewelry and Product Design Competition - Award for Excellence.
《Spring of Life》《生命之泉》2017 TJDMA World’s Jewelry & Metal Design Awards, Public Group - Award for Excellence.
《At Sunrise》《旭日昇華之時》 2016 TTF 2017 Year of Rooster Jewelry Design Competition - Top 40 Nominee.
《Glory of Lotus》《蓮之榮耀》2016 GIT World's Jewelry Design Awards - 2nd Runner-Up.
《Blessing of Purity》《祝福純度》2016 GIT World's Jewelry Design Awards - Top 30 nominees.
《Ribbon Dance》《舞緞》2016 HKJMA International Jewelry Design Competition - Computer Aided Design Group - Finalist.
《Dream of Luna》《月神之夢》2016 The First China (International) Pearl Jewelry Design Competition - Excellence Award.
《Rose Garden》《玫瑰園》2016 The First China "Yu Yao Jiang" Jewelry Design Competition - Nominee Award.
《Romance on the Milky Way》《天河之戀》2015 Taiwan International Jewelry Design Contest - 3D CAD - Award for Excellence.
《Lotus Play》《戲蓮》2015 Shanghai Jewelry Competition - Professional Group - Nominee.
《Melodies of Faith》《信仰旋律》2015 Dubai International Jewellery Week the 7th Jewellery Design Awards - CADCAM Technology - Finalist.
《Queen of the Night》《夜后》2015 Chinese Impression: The 2nd Peacock Jewelry Design Contest - Best Drawing Award.
《Starry Gala》《星空慶典》2015 Chinese Impression: The 2nd Peacock Jewelry Design Contest - Nominee.