繩結領帶 | Bolo Tie
Bolo Tie:保羅領結 / 波洛領帶,為典型的美洲西部珠寶飾品。主要由金屬或寶石為主的主件,搭配皮繩或領巾等垂掛於胸前,繩結底端點綴裝飾收尾。保羅領帶男女皆可用,主件尺寸和主題多樣,如同胸針一般能展現主人的個性品味,彰顯當天的心情和訴求。主件背部滑扣可調節配戴位置,和襯衫搭配並扣在上端衣領處,讓正裝的專業嚴肅氛圍不失輕鬆幽默感,保持優雅又比傳統領帶更顯活力不拘謹。一般日常休閒則可以將滑扣移到中段作為項鍊墜飾,或甚至降到最低處作為毛衣長鍊型式等,隨時變換穿搭風格。
Bolo Tie is a typical Western American jewelry. The center piece is mainly made of metal or gemstones, which is hung on the chest with a leather cod or scarf, and the end of the cord is capped with a decorative finishing. Bolo Ties are available for men and women, and the center pieces are of various sized and themes. Like brooches, they can show the owner's personality and fashion taste, highlighting the mood and appeal of the day. The sliding clip on the back of the center piece can adjust the wearing position. When wear with a shirt and buckled on the upper collar with formal wear, it stands professional and serious with a sense of humor, maintaining elegance in a more dynamic and cheerful way than traditional ties. For daily leisure attire, you may slide the center piece down to the middle section of the cord and wear it as a necklace pendant, or even lower to the decor caps and wear as a long necklace for sweater. Change your fashion style and atmosphere at any time.