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Eugene YJ Chen | Jewelry Design Visualization

《Blessings from the Island of Immortality》《來自仙島的祝福》2017 Taiwan Culture and Creative Jewelry and Product Design Competition - Award for Excellence.


《來自仙島的祝福》2017 大東山點石成金設計公開賽 - 佳作  

《Blessings from the Island of Immortality》2017 Taiwan Culture and Creative Jewelry and Product Design Competition - Award for Excellence.

珠寶實體由 大東山珠寶 公司打造。


參賽記事 | Awards  獲獎作品 | Award-Winning Designs  其他繪稿 | More Designs

關於 | About E.YJ Chen  創物作品 | Creations  主題系列 | Collections