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Eugene YJ Chen | Jewelry Design Visualization

《Black Swan》《黑天鵝》2018/19 UBM Asia HK, First JNA Jewellery Design Competition - Tahitian Pearls - "Asymmetric Perfection" - Merit / TPAHK Best Market Value Award.


《黑天鵝》2018/19 亞洲博聞香港首屆JNA國際珠寶設計大賽 - 大溪地珍珠組:圓外之美 - 優異獎 / TPAHK最佳市場價值獎

《Black Swan》2018/19 UBM Asia HK, First JNA Jewellery Design Competition - Tahitian Pearls - "Asymmetric Perfection" - Merit / TPAHK Best Market Value Award.

珠寶實體由 香港民生珠寶 製作。Jewelry produced by Man Sang Jewellery (HK) Ltd.

JNA珠寶設計大賽2018/19」由亞洲博聞旗下《JNA》主辦,Crossfor HK Ltd、國際鉑金協會及香港大溪地黑珍珠協會聯合贊助,由來自全球39個國家及地區共2,588份參賽作品競逐大賽三個組別: “時尚新現-靈動鑽石”、“鉑金態度-鉑金首飾” 和 “圓外之美-大溪地珍珠”。每組各精選五位入圍者,15份入圍作品分別來自保加利亞、中國、伊朗、意大利、日本、馬來西亞、台灣及美國。
我們的作品《黑天鵝 Black Swan》有幸於珍珠組獲得入圍後,實體物件由香港大溪地黑珍珠協會贊助,香港民生珠寶有限公司製作,以18K白金,黑鑽石和白鑽石,精選巴洛克黑珍珠,完美還原呈現原稿的設計!六月決賽榮獲優異獎以及組別之最佳市場價值獎之殊榮,並於九月18日晚間香港珠寶展開幕酒會完成頒獎典禮。


“JNA Jewellery Design competition 2018/19” is organized by JNA of UBM Asia Limited, sponsored by Crossfor HK Ltd, Platinum Guild International (PGI) and the Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong (TPAHK), to celebrates excellence in jewelry design. The Competition has shortlisted 15 finalists from a total of 2,588 entries from 39 countries and regions. There are five finalists in each category – New Fashion Tech for Dancing Stone, Platinum Attitude of Platinum Jewelry, and Asymmetric Perfection for Tahitian pearl. These 15 finalists are from Bulgaria, China, Iran, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, and the US.
Our design entry 《黑天鵝 Black Swan》being one of the five nominees in the pearl category and has been made into physical jewelry by Man Sang Jewellery (HK) Ltd. sponsored by Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong. Made with 18K white gold, black and white diamonds, top quality baroque black pearls, the brooch perfectly came to life from our design rendering! After a long wait for the final stage in June, the competition has finally came to conclusion and honored our design with Merit and the Best Market Value Award! Award Ceremony was held during the Fair Reception evening. All winning design jewelry pieces will be on public display during the Show, from Sept. 18th to 22nd. at JNA booth at Hong along Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hall 1D concourse.


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